Eating Disorders

Life with an eating disorder can feel so disorienting.

There is a part of you that makes promises hard to compromise on: once you are a certain weight, you will be happy; once you watch what types of food you eat, you will be accepted; or when you exercise enough, you will be comfortable.

But another part of you comes in, asserting that something is not right and that you are not okay. This part of you argues that life should not be like this and wonders why you struggle with food, weight, and exercise while others seemingly deal with these things so easily.

Torn between these two parts, you find yourself exhausted, scattered, and feeling alone.

Very few, if any, people understand, yet you are constantly given advice on how to help yourself.

And while you are functioning in your life, you wonder how long you can hold on.

Choosing to do something about your eating disorder is courageous.

Taking the leap into recovery from your eating disorder is a big risk.

What if doing something different causes you to collapse? What if it takes away the things that are keeping you afloat right now?

These fears and doubts are valid and scary, especially when you are facing them alone.

Recovery works best when you have support.

Having a therapist guide your recovery helps you overcome these fears and doubts, and will support you in addressing the factors that drive your eating disorder.

Together, we will find concrete skills that work for you to manage life day to day and focus on renegotiating those things that drive your eating disorder. This takes patience and courage as you face uncertainty, fear, and pain.

We will work together to help you reconnect to the things that mean the most to you and to create the life you want to live.

Recovery is possible.

Take charge of your life today. Click here to schedule your initial consult.