Step into Your Potential.

Individual therapy for adults wanting to make lasting changes in their life

Denver, Colorado

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What makes you feel alive?

Take yourself back to a favorite memory or moment where you had the feeling that everything was right – where you felt whole, connected, and authentically you.

That was a great feeling – a whole body experience of being unapologetically you.

It is hard to consider where you are now, how far you are from that great feeling. You feel disconnected and scattered, and it is unclear when things started to unravel.

You have already tried so much

You have tried to get back to that great feeling. You set goals and pushed yourself to meet them.

And while it felt good to have accomplishments, there is a part of you that feels like it is not enough. It is a constant whispering saying – go faster, go farther, go harder, go longer. And you have. But it is never enough.

Now you are drained, exhausted in a way that words cannot describe. Your life has become an act: pretending you are okay, covering up that you are barely handling your responsibilities, and forcing yourself to keep going so the dark void inside of you does not consume you.

This is not the life that you want. You are merely existing; life is passing you by. It is time to find your way back to that wholehearted, connected life you crave.

This is where I come in.

It’s not easy, but the journey is worth it. Together, we will work to find and connect to your wholehearted self. We will reconnect your mind and body, heal your relationships, and find the things in life that light you up with energy and passion.

Our work together will lay the foundation for lasting change in your life.

It is time to believe that something can be different.

Step into new possibilities.
Schedule a free initial consult here or by contacting me.

Contact Me Book initial consult

Hi, I’m Katie.

I have made it my mission to help you find and thrive in the life that you want to live. What are your goals? Your passions? Your dreams? Together, we use these as our guide in helping you overcome unhelpful patterns that continue to play out in your life and to find ways to help you feel like you are living your best life, as your best self.

Lasting change happens when we consider all parts of ourselves. This means that we need to employ both your mind and body as active agents of change in your life

Yet, so often we can disconnect. We lose our ability to listen to our body, quiet our mind, and shift our thoughts. When we work together, we reconnect your mind and body to help you make lasting change.

If you are ready to make changes, I am in. You don’t need to have the words that match your experience or the ability to identify exactly what is going on in your life. You also do not need to be in a specific place to start your work.

If you are motivated, ready to push your limits, and wanting to elevate your life, it is time reach out.

More About Me

What I Offer

Individual Therapy

Somatic Experiencing